Let us in a Döner

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Avsnittsnummer 211
Sändningsdatum 2022-05-19

Great eposide once again. We go off and tell about hickup-pedophile and also reality show and danger jobs that swedens die in - NOT wath you think... Then is news on the hours and we talk about news (DIFFERENT). Prinzen go to piss and Pastillen talk about Monkey Dezeez and Prinzen come back and we talk about UFO. It is Niquaragua (spoiler alert). Then we drop MAD SCIENCE to President Erdogan to lettuce in NATO (please :) in What is it for Style. Constructive Critive goes to Håkan but make Pastill go into personal crize. And become wery sad but what he become. He ask difficult question "am i the piece of shit!". Then we talk more. Then we rap again. Welcome to forreign listeners.

Vad är det för stil?

Beats: Armann
Ämne: NATO

Constructive critique

Jag vill bara va med dej med artisten Håkan Hellström (feat. Noonie Bao)

  • Produktion: 2
  • Framförande: 2
  • Budskap: 1
  • Helhetsbetyg: 2/5